3 simple steps
Our bodies are AMAZING. They have the power to self heal. We don't even need to know what is wrong with us. If we get sick or damaged our bodies will respond by fixing the problem. Sometimes however something goes wrong and it can't heal. Typically this is where Dr's get involved and try to do the job of the body using drugs or surgery. The holistic practitioner understands that if the body is failing to self heal it's because imbalances have disabled the bodies ability to heal and that these imbalances need to be addressed to enable the natural self healing process. These imbalances could include for example, hormone, gut, pH, oxidation, inflammation, parasite, candida.
The causes for these imbalances and thus chronic disease with very few exceptions are toxicity or deficiency and usually a combination of the two. Dr's rarely talk about cause since their "treatment" is to use toxins in the form of pharmaceutical drugs. If you look up side effects of any particular toxin/drug you will find a list of symptoms that match many different diseases. We are currently being bombarded with a level of toxins never before seen in human history and as a result we are seeing epidemics of chronic diseases some of which have never existed before. From Cancer, to autism, MS, Parkinson's, fibromyalgia and Alzheimer’s etc. and Dr's have not found a cure for any of them and never will while they seek only to suppress symptoms.
Instead we should take a very simple 3 step approach as follows:
1. Avoid toxins as far as practical
2. Help your body remove toxins already present.
3. Give your body the tools it needs to repair the damage done by toxins. This will at the same time resolve the other primary cause which is deficiency.
While you don't need to know the following it can help make more sense of the above. Toxins obviously do damage within the body and there are 6 major areas of damage that weaken the bodies ability to do it's job and make it vulnerable to disease. They are as follows.
1. Decrease cellular Oxygen
2. Decrease pH, in other words increase acidity
3. Increase chronic inflammation ( the cause of chronic pain )
4. Increase oxidative damage
5. Suppress Immune response or cause it to be over reactive
6. Increase deficiencies of vital nutrients
Once the above happens within your body you will get sick and stay sick unless something is changed. Ethan will walk you through the easy to follow steps that allow your body to re-balance and then start doing the amazing job that only it can do.