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Writer's pictureEthan Leeds

Do you have one of these symptoms?

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

The following symptoms are very common yet few realise they have a single root cause check to see if you have any of them? If you have 2 or more of the following symptoms you may have a serotonin imbalance

The 2 lists below are showing the top 20 symptoms caused by low serotonin then caused by the treatment of it, which often causes high serotonin.

  1. Depression: Low serotonin levels are often linked to depressive symptoms

  2. Anxiety: Serotonin plays a role in regulating anxiety, so low levels may contribute to increased anxiety, and can sometimes include OCD behaviours.

  3. Mood swings: Imbalances in serotonin can lead to mood instability and frequent mood swings.

  4. Insomnia: Serotonin helps regulate sleep, so low levels may contribute to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

  5. Fatigue: Low serotonin levels can cause feelings of fatigue and low energy.

  6. Loss of appetite: Serotonin is involved in regulating appetite, so low levels may lead to a decrease in appetite

  7. Digestive issues: Serotonin is found in the gut and helps regulate digestion. Low levels may contribute to digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation.

  8. Low self-esteem: Serotonin is involved in mood regulation and self-perception, so low levels may contribute to low self-esteem

  9. Difficulty concentrating: Serotonin plays a role in cognitive function, so low levels may affect concentration and focus.

  10. Irritability: Imbalances in serotonin can lead to increased irritability and a shorter temper.

  11. Social withdrawal: Low serotonin levels may contribute to a decreased desire for social interaction

  12. Increased sensitivity to pain: Serotonin is involved in pain modulation, so low levels may lead to increased sensitivity to pain.

  13. Cravings for carbohydrates: Serotonin is involved in appetite regulation, and low levels may lead to cravings for carbohydrates.

  14. Weight gain: Imbalances in serotonin can contribute to weight gain, as serotonin helps regulate appetite and metabolism

  15. Decreased libido: Serotonin is involved in sexual function, and low levels may contribute to a decrease in libido.

  16. Poor memory: Serotonin plays a role in memory and cognitive function, so low levels may affect memory recall.

  17. Panic attacks: Low serotonin levels may contribute to an increased risk of panic attacks.

  18. Headaches: Serotonin imbalances can contribute to headaches and migraines.

  19. Muscle aches and pains: Low serotonin levels may contribute to muscle aches and pains.

  20. Increased sensitivity to stress: Serotonin helps regulate the stress response, so low levels may lead to increased sensitivity to stressors.


Dr's will typically prescribe a drug type known as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) such as Prozac (fluoxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline) for the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health conditions although they can also have side effects. Here are 20 common associated with SSRIs and the longer they are being used the greater the risk.

  1. Nausea: Feeling queasy or experiencing an upset stomach.

  2. Headache: Mild to moderate headaches may occur, especially at the beginning of treatment.

  3. Insomnia or drowsiness: Changes in sleep patterns, which can include difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or excessive daytime sleepiness.

  4. Sexual Dysfunction: Including decreased libido, difficulty achieving orgasm, or erectile dysfunction.

  5. Weight Changes: Either weight loss or weight gain may occur with SSRI use.

  6. Fatigue: Feeling tired or lethargic, possibly due to changes in sleep patterns or other factors.

  7. Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or dizzy, especially when standing up quickly.

  8. Dry Mouth: A reduction in saliva production, leading to a dry sensation in the mouth.

  9. Gastrointestinal Upset: Including diarrhea, constipation, or stomach discomfort.

  10. Agitation or Restlessness: Feeling jittery or on edge, sometimes accompanied by an increase in anxiety symptoms.

  11. Sweating: Experiencing increased perspiration, especially during sleep or physical activity.

  12. Tremor or Shaking: Involuntary trembling of the hands, arms, legs, or other body parts.

  13. Changes in Appetite: Increased or decreased appetite, which can contribute to weight changes.

  14. Muscle Weakness or Aches: Feeling weak or experiencing muscle aches or pains.

  15. Increased Anxiety: Some individuals may experience increased anxiety symptoms, especially at the beginning of treatment.

  16. Nervousness or Agitation: Feeling nervous, jittery, or agitated.

  17. Blurred Vision: Temporary changes in vision, such as blurred vision or difficulty focusing.

  18. Irritability: Feeling easily annoyed or becoming irritable more easily than usual.

  19. Vivid Dreams or Nightmares: Experiencing more vivid dreams or nightmares during sleep.

  20. Reduced Emotional Responsiveness: Some individuals may report feeling emotionally numb or having reduced emotional responsiveness.


Many of the above symptoms are a result of causing levels of serotonin to become to high. This is actually more dangerous than low serotonin and why a better option is a natural serotonin modulator, since this will raise serotonin if low and lower it if high and is safe even for long term use.

Adapt is a fully natural and safe serotonin modulator, which means it will higher low serotonin but lower high serotonin. It can be used at the same time as SSRIs It's worth noting that many of the symptoms typically associated with being on the spectrum are in fact a consequence of a serotonin imbalance

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