More than 200 diseases have been linked to oxidation (Free radical damage) It's also the prime cause of chronic inflammation, as a result, much has been discussed about the anti-dote to oxidation which is anti-oxidants. The most famous is arguably vitamin C. What is little known is that there are 2 basic classes of antioxidants, those like vitamin C that you can eat and those that your body can make. The best known in the latter group is glutathione.
Some supplement with glutathione thinking eating it will raise levels but it doesn't translate into glutathione in your body, as it is broken down into its component parts not delivered as glutathione. Indeed it's possible to have all the "ingredients" and still have low levels because your body has been effectively told to reduce its production. This is not fully understood but certainly seems to be linked to toxicity which can change genetic expression. It also happens with age and is part of the reason children tend to recover much more quickly than those in their later years.
It turns out that the antioxidants that your body makes are billions of times more potent than those like vitamin C that you eat.
More recently glutathione is being touted as the best defense against graphene oxide and the damage done by spike proteins.
Increasing your body's ability to make glutathione would be a great achievement and thanks to a breakthrough it can now be done simply and naturally with a supplement of 5 herbs that act as a key switching on a pathway known as the Nrf2 pathway. These herbs are in specific ratios and put together in a way that is similar to turning on a light switch resulting in a reaction far greater than the energy required to press the switch. You could take all 5 herbs and not get the same result as it's how they are combined.
The supplement is called Protandim Nrf2 and is unusual in that, unlike most natural supplements this one has quite a bit of peer-reviewed research on the actual product, not just the ingredients.
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