The first thing you need to know about the supplement marketed as vitamin D3 is that it's not a vitamin ( it's a hormone ) and it's such a serious poison it's the prime active ingredient in Rat poison. This article will give you the data that is usually hidden from the public as they are told that nearly everyone is short of this "vitamin" even in countries like Brazil and everyone should be supplementing often in very high doses a synthetic version of D that is not the same as the body makes from sunlight. To be clear D the steroidal hormone made from cholesterol initiated from sunlight is super important, even D from the few animal sources that have this hormone is perfectly good ( there is no D3 in any plants ) this article is about the vit D pushed by mainstream made from irradiated sheep wool and called D3 ( Cholecalciferol )
Here you see that too much D can literally be fatal in humans as reported by the Mayo Clinic
This is the starting point to at least understand that at some doses it is fatal then we can begin to discover if at smaller doses it is as super healthy as they claim.
Of course as already noted the first part of the scam is to trick you into believing it's a vitamin as most people would be cautious of supplementing a hormone especially in high dose. For the record when Wiki says technically not a vitamin, that's like saying technically not a woman, another way of saying that is "not a woman". I'm not a fan of Wiki but am using it because a lot of the people pro D are and it's less technical than some of the other sources.
And here you see it's the active ingredient in rat poison. Please note the first image at the top shows it is just as fatal to humans and if you pay attention the link below the rat poison shows it's toxic to dogs. This stuff will even kill a large animal like a horse.
What have we learnt about Vitamin D so far?
1. Vitamin D is a hormone 2. It can be fatal to humans and animals So if you are taking if considering taking this supplement I would suggest you dig deeper. You may be wondering about the studies that you have seen linking D deficiency to poor health outcomes and for this you need to understand how correlation studies are used to manipulate a false conclusion and this article (click the link) and the screenshots below will help you understand
to bring all this information together here is a video discussion between myself and other professionals in natural health discussing all of the above and more